

[AsiaNet] Around 55,000 participate in tree planting campaign in NE China

왕호TV뉴스 | 기사입력 2024/04/22 [13:37]

[AsiaNet] Around 55,000 participate in tree planting campaign in NE China

왕호TV뉴스 | 입력 : 2024/04/22 [13:37]
[AsiaNet] Around 55,000 participate in tree planting campaign in NE China

AsiaNet 0200106

HARBIN, China Apr 22, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- Nearly 55,000 employees and local residents in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province participated in a tree planting campaign conducted by Longjiang Forest Industry Group on April 20, collectively planting a remarkable total of 531,700 trees.

Over the past decade, a series of measures including cessation, management, nurturing, and afforestation have been diligently implemented across the region, resulting in the effective restoration of the forest ecosystem. This effort has led to significant increases in forest area, forest coverage, and forest stock.

By the conclusion of 2023, the forested area managed by Longjiang Forest Industry Group had expanded from 5.5137 million hectares in 2014 to 5.5795 million hectares; forest coverage surged from 83.72% in 2014 to 84.72%. Notably, the total forest stock experienced robust growth, escalating from 579 million cubic meters in 2014 to 689 million cubic meters by the end of 2023, reflecting an impressive 18.96% increase. On a per-hectare basis, the stock rose from 102.14 cubic meters in 2014 to 125.49 cubic meters, showcasing a substantial growth of 22.86%, equivalent to an increment of 23.35 cubic meters per hectare.

Source: Longjiang Forest Industry Group

[편집자 주] 이 보도자료는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았으며, 연합뉴스의 편집방향과는 무관함을 밝혀 드립니다.

출처 : 아시아넷 보도자료

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